Nasze Centrum Mediacji i Negocjacji prowadzi mediacje sądowe oraz pozasądowe oraz zapewnia wsparcie w negocjacjach biznesowych.
Mediacje sądowe prowadzone są na podstawie skierowania sądu, natomiast w celu przeprowadzenia mediacji pozasądowej zawierana jest umowa pomiędzy stronami sporu i mediatorem. Mediacja pozasądowa dopuszczalna jest także w trakcie postępowania sądowego, a w przypadku zawarcia ugody na wniosek stron zatwierdzana jest ona przez sąd.
Civil mediation
Mediacje cywilne to wszelkie spory wynikające z kodeksu postępowania cywilnego, a zatem spory o zapłatę, sprawy w kontekście podziału majątku bądź spadku, zniesienia współwłasności, sprawy dotyczące sporów sąsiedzkich, ale także omówione dalej sprawy rodzinne, pracownicze i gospodarcze oraz wszystkie te, w których pojawia się konflikt dotyczący prawa cywilnego.

Family mediation
Family mediation is a special type of mediation because children are often secondary and involuntary participants. They are often accompanied by strong emotions that escalate into a long and tiring court process, as a result of which neither side actually wins and the children are the most harmed. Therefore, mediation is an opportunity to look at the dispute from a different perspective and find a solution in such a way that all interested parties are satisfied, and at the same time it also helps to protect other family members from being involved in emotional games. A safe atmosphere during mediation allows you to turn off emotions, lead the discussion in the right direction and create a different, safe relationship instead of remaining hurt, angry or resentful.
Economic mediation
Mediation in the economic area may concern many aspects that combine the interests of various enterprises. We help in reaching an agreement on issues related to the payment of funds for the service provided or goods issued, performance of the contract, late payments, as well as any misunderstandings arising as a result of cooperation between business entities. Conflicts between entrepreneurs block their development and success. Economic mediation conducted by a mediator directs the conflict towards an optimally quick solution, does not generate long-term costs and allows for the restoration of positive relations between the cooperating parties.

Employee mediations
Employee mediation is a helpful method of resolving disputes and problems between the employee and the employer. Thanks to employee mediation, it is possible to end the conflict while maintaining a positive relationship and, for example, maintaining the employee’s employment on the terms developed during mediation talks, or ending cooperation without conflict.
The support of an experienced lawyer or mediator during the negotiation process may be a key aspect that will contribute to the success of the negotiations and the conclusion of a favorable agreement. In addition to knowledge, professionalism the negotiator’s competences are also important, such as the art of formulating thoughts and statements, the focus on convincing others to our arguments and the related selection of appropriate arguments, credibility, as well as a perspective on the problem and the possibility of reaching an agreement.

Moderating meetings
Are you planning an important business meeting? You want it to be as effective as possible, but you are afraid that you won’t be able to do it alone? We accompany and co-lead meetings aimed at both solving problems and creatively developing new solutions. We help you hear each other, make good decisions and achieve your goals.