Małgorzata Starzyńska

Mediation and Negotiation Center

Effective Dispute Resolution

ikona miediacje cywilne

Mediacje cywilne

Mediacje cywilne obejmują wszelkie spory wynikające z kodeksu postępowania cywilnego, takie jak spory o zapłatę, sprawy dotyczące podziału majątku lub spadku, zniesienia współwłasności…

ikona mediacje rodzinne

Family mediation

Family mediation is a special type of mediation because children are often secondary and involuntary participants. They are often accompanied by strong emotions that escalate into a long and tiring court process, as a result…

ikona mediacje pracownicze

Employee mediations

Employee mediation is a helpful method of resolving disputes and problems between the employee and the employer. Thanks to employee mediation, it is possible to end the conflict while maintaining a positive relationship…

ikona mediacje gospodarcze

Economic mediation

Mediation in the economic area may concern many aspects that combine the interests of various enterprises. We help in reaching an agreement on issues related to the payment of funds for the service provided or goods issued…

ikona moderowanie spotkań

Moderating meetings

Are you planning an important business meeting? You want it to be as effective as possible, but you are afraid that you won’t be able to do it alone? We accompany and co-lead meetings aimed at both….

ikona negocjacje


The support of an experienced lawyer or mediator during the negotiation process may be a key aspect that will contribute to the success of the negotiations and the conclusion of a favorable agreement. In addition…

Why us?

  • We deeply believe that every conflict can be a path to growth and positive change. Both in the sphere of family and business relations. We believe in the life wisdom of every person and that decisions made together, with the help of a neutral third party, i.e. a mediator, are the best and provide the greatest chance for understanding and positive relationships in the future. Therefore, do not jump into the abyss together! Choose mediation.
  • Meetings with a mediator are much less stressful than a court hearing. Here, the place, time and number of meetings are chosen by the parties. They take place in a safe, friendly atmosphere – they take the form of a conversation.
  • Mediators in our team have diverse and rich experience in various fields, which gives you the opportunity to find the person you resonate with the most.
  • Our mediators are a team of professionals working in Polish, English and German, and possessing ABW certificates authorizing them to conduct mediation in strategic units.
Małgorzata Starzyńska


Małgorzata Starzyńska zespół centrum mediacji

Małgorzata Starzyńska

Court mediator at the District Court in Płock, long-term educator, teacher, sworn translator of German, negotiator in undertakings between Polish and German companies. She completed Postgraduate Studies in Negotiation, Mediation and Other Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods at the Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw.

Kamila Kajczynska

Kamila Kajczyńska

Negotiator, engineer with many years of experience in the profession, both in design and in project supervision. She has extensive international experience not only as a negotiator but also as an engineer , particularly in the construction industry. She completed Postgraduate Studies in Negotiation, Mediation and Other Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods at the Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw.

ks. Jacek Kuziel centrum mediacji

ks. Jacek Kuziel

Master in theology – priest of the Congregation of the Missionary Fathers of St Vincent de Paulo for 28 years. He has extensive pastoral experience in leading a large parish, as well as many religious communities and groups. He has an ease with interpersonal relationships and relates to interlocutors with a great deal of empathy. He completed Postgraduate Studies in Negotiation, Mediation and other Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods at the Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw.

Sebastian Ostrowicki zespół centrum mediacji

Sebastian Ostrowicki

Lawyer, runs his own law practice. He deals with civil, commercial, family and criminal cases. His experience will help you to solve problems and conflicts within the framework of the applicable legal order.